Why Not Make Your Good Office Lease Great?
Congratulations, you like your office space and want to renew your lease. Though this decision is an easy one because it is cost-effective and efficient, it’s important to make it carefully. Are there, for example, any other better deals out there? There might be a prime piece of Manhattan office space available right now for a rate you can afford, but without first looking won’t be able to even apply.
Prepare Your Business With Our Help
You need to understand the goals and limits of your landlord, understand your lease provisions, know what your goals are during the lease renewal negations, and start your negotiation as early as possible. Don’t let your landlord think he or she knows the market better than you — show your landlord you don’t hesitate to the find the help you need to get a great deal for yourself.
How We Help
Our tenant representatives help you create a financial model, find a supply of new spaces and support you throughout the negotiation process.
Landlord Information Only We Can Access
The information we have access to provides answers to all your questions about landlords, including those listed below. Remember, the NYC market is in the favor of the landlord, so you need all the help you can get as a tenant.
● Which landlords provide the best build-outs?
● Which landlords manage their buildings most responsibly?
● Which landlords require the highest/lowest security deposit?
● Which landlords are the most accommodating to startups?
● Which landlords place clauses in leases that harm tenants?
● Which landlords accept short-term leases?
● Which landlords let tenants move in over the course of a lease?